Exercise, Fresh air, Water, Diet and Supplements are five elements that make me feel good and help with my acne problems. Of course, there is nothing new here. Many articles are already written on importance of all these elements and indeed they work. I cannot stress enough how vital they all are for us, specifically for people how suffer from acne and hormonal imbalance.
Exercise & Fresh air
I've always was fit and exercised regularly in a gym (3-4 times a week). About a year ago I've also started running a few days a week for about 20-30 min. For sure exercise alone doesn't help with acne but it helps to keep stress level under control. I've notice that the days I run I feel much better, happier than the days I don't. Somehow exercising indoors doesn't do the same trick. Now I run every single day. Sometimes I get lazy and really don't want to run, especially if it's snowing or raining outside. So I have to force myself to do it, and a few minutes on fresh air do the trick. I start to enjoy running and my mood just jumps up :)
I think that everyone can find something to enjoy doing outside. For me it was running. It's easy for me. I don't need any extra equipment, I don't have to go the gym, just get my snickers and clothe and I'm ready to go. In the gym I found that group fitness exercises are so much fun. They also give me a lot of energy and improve my mood. And we all know that "no stress" = "no pimples" :)
Lots of acne sites suggest that drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is necessary for clear skin. It should help with flashing out toxins from our bodies and keep our skin cell hydrated. I've started drinking that much water about 2-3 months ago and I've also stopped drinking tea and coffee. It's hard to say if that alone helped with anything but it definitely doesn't do any harm.
I have to write a separate post on this one, since this is the key element. It's hard to choose the right diet. There are so many out there. On web there are many success stories of people experiencing great results with raw diet, fastings and low glycemic index diet. However there is some controversy with the diet story. It seems that it works great for some people and doesn't work for others. Why is that? I'm currently researching this question. I'm looking for scientific evidence and explanations that would link diet, acne and hormonal balance.
I'm still trying to develop the right diet for myself. It's not such an easy process. During the last four months I've tried different approaches. What I've learned is that you have to be very careful with what you eat. Even foods that seem healthy like boiled potato, rice or watermelon can cause acne by increasing your insulin level. Some foods definitely can aggrevate my acne. For example walnuts and pumpkin seeds. I've stopped eating dairy and caffeine. I'm also trying to eat food with low glycemic index to keep my blood sugar level stable. Right now my diet consists of mostly greens, fruits and beans. Eating 5-6 times a day small portions is also necessary.
Vitamins and Supplements
I'm taking vitamin B100 complex the first thing in the morning, multivitamins and iron with breakfast, vitamin E at lunch, and zinc and calcium at dinner time. Apparently it's important not to take zinc and iron together however calcium and zinc is ok.