Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another great day

Today was a very busy day for me. Doctor's and dentist appointments went smoothly. I've received a clean bill of health. Great!!! My hormonal level is normal, which was a surprise for me, but no complains here. My doctor also admitted that my acne is slightly better, which is again a good news. She didn't insist on prescribing Accutane this time and was very nice to me.

It's like everybody notice that I feel great inside. It seems that people just really like talking to me, even complete strangers :) I definitely feel more confident, energized and happy and people seem to notice that. Indeed, people judge/except us by how we present ourself in terms of our behavior and appearance. Today was a great proof of that.

Today was the first day that I didn't regret the time when I went on birth control pill. I'm actually grateful for everything that happened to me. This journey to find cure for my acne helped me to realize that what I put in my body really matters. This concerns not only medications we take but also and most importantly food we eat. Unfortunately I came to this conclusion the hard way.

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