Monday, January 3, 2011

What I've experienced after stopping birth control

After stopping birth control pills I've experienced lots of positive effects. I feel myself again, no more depression, no crying, no mood swings, vaginal infections stopped right away (sex is great :)) Woo-hoo!!!

But it's four moths after and I still struggle with side affects of being on bc for such a long time (10 years). My hormones are definitely screwed and I don't know how long it will take to get them to normal level. I've experienced excessive hair loss, bad nails, and the worst - acne came back with vengeance. Still I think that I've made the right decision to quit bc pills. Apparently there are some long-term side effects of bc pills. For example one study showed that it could lead to  continuing sexual, metabolic and metal health problems. If I'd have all the information I have now at the time when I started taking bc pills, I probably would never started taking them.

I think that quitting bc is not a simple process. We have to prepare our bodies for such a sudden change in hormone production. And by preparing I mean the right diet, supplements and vitamins. I'm still in the process of searching for the right solution. I think that some research should be done in this direction. But it's definitely not as simple as "if you want to stop, stop right away".

I found a great forum - other people's experiences after quitting bc. It really helped me to understand that I'm not the only one there. There are many people with the same problems. Some women are lucky and have no problems with bc, but it wasn't the case with me. So I've decided to start this blog just to aware people about the bc pills, their side effects and moreover how to deal with side effects after stopping bc.

Currently I'm developing a diet which is kind of low glycemic index diet with tons of vegetables and fruits and no fried food, grains, breads, and meet. I'll wright about it soon. This is the only thing that seems to work with my acne. I'm not sure if it'll work in a long run but at least I've started to see a slight improvement. I wasn't able to achieve that with any other methods. My hair is also much better now. The only problem is that diet takes a long time to work. I'm planning to see naturopath, dermatologist and endocrinologist sometime soon. Hopefully they also will have good advices. I'll keep posting updates after these appointments here. I'm also planing to wright about my diet, skin care routine, supplements and vitamins, etc. I wish I have more free time to devote to this blog :)

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