Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Skintactix Clear Skin Challenge

Currently I have a big problem with tiny whiteheads all over my face. While I'd like to cure them from the inside using diet and probiotics, I still think that good facial acne product would help too. A few days ago I came across Skintactix website and I've decided to accept their Clear Skin Challenge. I want to try  their whiteheads/blackheads kit.

I will post my picture here as soon as I get their product and 1 month after to see the results.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Progress report - 11.04.2011

It was about 2 months since I've been on my diet, and the results are pretty good. I don't have cystic acne anymore. However I've got another problem with my skin: tons of time whiteheads all over my face. It started like a rash on my forehead then somehow spread more and more near ears, neck and jaw line. It's also in my chest and shoulders. I've noticed that it was triggered by eating sweet fruits like mangos, grapes and bananas. I started to look on internet and found out that it may be Pityrosporum Folliculitis, condition triggered by yeast/fungus. I really suspected that I have some kind of yeast infection since it was aggravated by eating sweet fruits. A week ago I went back to see naturopathic doctor and she prescribed me to take probiotics for two weeks and see her again after that. It's about a week since I've started taking probiotics and reducing fruit consumptions and I can see some results. I really hope that this treatment will work.

Progress Photo - 04.01.2011

Right side:
Left side: